A.: There are at least three methods that you should consider.
The NED Batch functionality is completely replaced and improved with more
capabilities, by the following services:
Another option is to submit multiple URLs via "wget", "curl", or a similar
download program designed to work with URLs. NED uses the HTTP "get"
protocol whenever possible with query filters and options encoded as
simple URL name/value pairs in the form "&name=value".
In this case, you will have to substitute a plus sign "+" for a space,
and the string "%2B" for a plus sign if either of these symbols appears
in a name you submit. For example, the name "SDSS J122653.91+333057.6"
becomes "SDSS+J122653.91%2B333057.6".
Here are some other examples.
1) Retrieve basic data for Arp 220 and display it as a bar-separated
ASCII table:
2) Search for objects within 1.0 arcmin of Arp 220, sort them by their
distances from Arp 220, and display their basic data as a tab-separated
ASCII table:
3) Do the same 1.0-arcmin search, but from Arp 220's equatorial position for
J2000.0, 15h34m57.1s, +23d30m11s:
4) Retrieve photometric data for Arp 220 as a text table with bar-separated fields:
Many URLs like these may be put into a file named, for example,
"getNEDdata.001". "wget" can then retrieve NED's data with a command like:
wget --continue --input-file=getNEDdata.001 --output-document=NEDdata.001
Note, too, that NED's data can be formatted as XML "Virtual Observatory"
tables (VOTables). The first example URL above would return NED's data in
XML format by substituting "&of=ascii_bar" with "&of=xml_main":
Web-based Tools NED VO Services, Chapter 18 of
The National Virtual Observatory: Tools and Techniques for Astronomical
Research has more examples and detailed explanations for using NED's
VO services.
Please note that NED's ability to support high volume/speed automated queries
is currently limited. We ask that you adhere to the
NED Guidelines for Automated Queries.
Thank you for your cooperation.